Train with Gym Fitness Routines, your training guide for the whole body
Rutines Gym Fitness is a Fitness guide in Espanyol for fans of this sport. In this application trobarĂ s a great quantity of exercises and councils on food that will help to achieve the objectives.Posem at the teva arranged the million routines to train at the gym or at home. The application is free, so we can value the experience by giving us a positive vote to be able to continue with it.Application functions:- More than 50 different exercises of muscle building with detailed descriptions of each one, to guarantee that you obtain the most possible results:- Entrenament per pectorals i pit- Routines to treballar lesquena- Mark the biceps and triceps- Training for toning cames, treballant quĂ driceps, hamstrings. glutis i bessons- Exercises to mark abdominals to eliminate the greix of this area.- Els millors supplements for guanyar muscle mass. For example: protein in pols, creatine and other supplements esportius.- Diet to lose weight and define according to the fitness objective.In this app you can have the million muscle building routines and fitness diets on your smartphone, ideal for tracking muscle volume, defined and forced to exercise.Segueix the exercises per series, repetitions and rest times for guanyar to trebal totes the zones of the cos, cream greix and increase muscle. Tots els exercicis gym es troba organitzats per parts de cos. Complete lexercici with supplements esportius and a varied diet